Monday, April 28, 2008

Latest on "White Lightning"


Adam's been pretty busy studying up for Finals week. He's knocked one out and has two tomorrow, then one on Saturday (yuck). Aside from studying he's also been working with Feras on a freelance website project. I'm excited to see the end product! Those two are brilliant with programming.

During Dead Week Adam was pretty busy, too, with finishing class projects and research papers. Towards the end of the week Adam had some friends from Indy up for a visit - Grand Prix weekend! They hit the Cactus, the Hookah, and did the Breakfast Club thing - I'm SO jealous! Another year has gone by, and I've still not experienced Grand Prix at Purdue. I'll get to that another time, I suppose. Any way, over the weekend Adam did a session of roofing for Habitat for Humanity and celebrated Passover with a nice family dinner. I miss joining him for his family dinners; they're always so wonderful.

In other news, Adam and I are playing a game of 20 Questions via email. We've started a fresh game of Chess. Neither of us has lost any pieces, and it's too early to tell who's got the upper hand. I'm determined not to throw away my Queen, haha. Speaking of games, I've been in touch with Lauren, Adam's second-oldest sister, and she is going to join us in our next game of Scrabulous. = )

I'm in the works of securing accommodation for Fiji!!! That will be the end of the bookings for his visit - I'm so proud of myself for keeping up on it. The hard planning will make for a smooth vacation. My mother taught me well.

All righty, I need to get to my tutorial. Cheers!


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