Friday, April 4, 2008

Easter Holiday: Saturday Night Mayhem

They coax me into going, and on the way to the train station I'm telling myself that everything will work out. We take the train and fly out to Hobart, arriving at 9pm.

So we land in Hobart at 9pm, take a $50 taxi ride to the city center, and head straight for the hostel that screwed us over with the glitch in the system since our 5 reserved beds were non-existent. Reception was closed by the time we arrived, so we called the night manager. He bumbled down the stairs and we explained that it's Easter weekend, Hobart is fully booked, it's 8 degrees Celsius outdoors and we have no where else to go; can you help us out? He said he had no available beds for us but that we could take the lounge for the night. YES! I bed he'd never seen folks so happy to be offered measly couches for the night! He gave us the key to the day storage, we stashed our packs and went on a hunt for some grub.

We wandered around, finding a pizza join. The pizza was pretty good, and we randomly bumped into Soyoung and Ivan! Turns out they, too, were spending their holiday in Tassie! (I'd met each of them a couple times previously, our flat mates all tend to meet up when we go out as a big group.) We hit a couple Hobart pubs together, finding one that had a really great live band who covered a lot of Green Day! I ordered up a White Russian! (Yay for the place having milk, as opposed to the last place I tried ordering a WR.) Good: the drink was one of the best I'd ever had. Bad: it cost me a whopping $12.50. Oh, well.

I ended up turning in early, leaving with Soyoung and Ivan since they'd had a long day; this meant that I got first dibs on the lounge, hehe! I chose a couch next to the TV, despite its noise; the couch I chose appeared to be relatively new. I read, post-carded, did some journaling, popped my ear plugs in and got what sleep I could. No, it wasn't great, but it sure beat sleeping on the streets of Hobart in 8 degree weather. By the way, Tasmania's weather is crazy: 34 degrees through the day, then the Arctic winds come up and drop the temperature to the likes of 8 degrees (this is all in Celsius). Kind of like an extreme version of Indiana?

So we got into Hobart, managed for the night and had no real plans for the rest of the trip, aside from hiring our car Sunday afternoon. This was all very chaotic for me, haha - you should have seen me Saturday before we caught the train. I was a wreck. Any way, I came to terms with what it really means to "wing it." And this was all very good for a person like me, because I'm the type who has everything so planned out, down to when I'm going to brush my teeth kinda thing, haha. I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea. Any way, the lack of planning ended up being good for me. I'm happy I faced the fear of not knowing where I'm going to stay at night, not knowing where I'm going day-to-day, and just going with the flow. Funny, "go with the flow" has been a personal motto. I guess I got out of vibe with it lately. Glad to see I'm back in touch with the phrase on a very deep level, haha.

That's the Easter Holiday installment for today. Up next: Sunday's Adventures!

New photos up: Misc.

Facebook Videos Up:
*The Chicken Dance
*Tamara the Killer Kangaroo
*A Home Among the Gum Trees


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