Saturday, April 12, 2008

Email Happiness

Today I was overjoyed with two emails from two wonderful people:

Karan sent me a lovely email complete with photos of Ava, June and their new play ground. And Adam sent me such a sweet email simply saying that he loved me. Highlights of my day!

Also wanted to say that I've started reading Date with the Devil and I'm reading it like mad! It's a quick read, and I really like the style and story. I can't wait to see what happens next in the book! Oh, I love to read!

Mom, Dad and Sam are in Pennsylvania right now. Sam's wrestling in a national tourney this weekend, and they get to meet up with Rachel and Ethan! I wish I could be there! I've instructed Mom to pass on my hello and love to Rachel! I miss her so! Good luck, Sam! Knock 'em dead!

Oh, yeah! Tonight at The Three Monkeys we were talking about how the Beckham's named their children after the location they were born at. If I was named that way I'd be called Anderson. Eh, that's an okay name. But Sara - she would be Spotsylvania. Now that's a name: Spotsylvania Merganthal. How awesome is that?! = P I'm not going to attempt what Inga said her name would be as it's all Norway gibberish with a sing-song way to it, hehe. But! I did learn to count from 1-10 in Norwegian tonight! Yay for learning new languages!


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